The Alagille Syndrome Alliance (ALGSA) is a dedicated nonprofit organization focused on supporting individuals and families affected by Alagille Syndrome (ALGS), a genetic disorder that can impact multiple organ systems, including the liver, heart, skeleton, eyes, and kidneys. ALGSA provides a wealth of resources, including educational materials on the disease, research updates, and community support initiatives. They also offer various programs and services aimed at improving the quality of life for those living with ALGS, such as academic scholarships, assistance programs, and opportunities for community engagement and fundraising.
One of the key features of the alliance is its commitment to advancing scientific research and medical treatments through grants and studies like the GALA Study and the ALGSA Collaborative Scientific Research Grant. They also play a vital role in raising awareness and advocacy, further highlighted by their Champion Awards, which recognize significant contributions to drug development, scientific advancement, and community support related to Alagille Syndrome.
For more information on their programs, resources, and how you can get involved or contribute, you can visit the Alagille Syndrome Alliance website at