The Glaucoma Foundation is dedicated to improving the lives of people with glaucoma. The Foundation works to encourage and support basic and applied research in glaucoma with a goal of preserving and restoring vision. We strive to be an important resource to help patients, their families, and at-risk individuals to manage their glaucoma through education and outreach. Click our book to read more.
The Foundation works to encourage and support basic and applied research in glaucoma, to gain and disseminate new information about the causes and treatment of glaucoma, and to further efforts to identify and develop novel approaches to preserve visual function and reverse blindness caused by glaucoma.
- The Foundation’s Grant-in-Aid Program has awarded millions of dollars in seed money for cutting-edge research projects. Preliminary data from these projects have frequently been used to support proposals for larger grants from entities such as the National Institutes of Health.
- The Glaucoma Foundation’s interdisciplinary Annual International Scientific Think Tank has brought together some of the world’s top scientists and clinicians. These gatherings continue to be a catalyst for setting the course to find new treatments and cures for glaucoma.
- Headquartered in New York, TGF serves patients across the globe through its website and on-line support groups.
- The organization’s “Eye to Eye” newsletter keeps thousands of households worldwide informed about research news and other developments, and includes such informative features as “Doctor, I Have A Question.” An electronic newsletter is sent out bi-monthly.